Wednesday, April 6, 2011

65th stuff on the 65th day - A Bunch of DVD's

While picking up a DVD for a study group at church I came across a great deal.  $10 gets you as many DVD's as you can watch in a month, you just take them out one at a time.  This is Blockbuster responding to Netflix!  But then Liz saw a deal where you bring in any DVD and they'll give you a $3 or $4 credit!!  We have TONS of DVD's that we don't watch.  Liz took these ones in, got a nice little credit, and pre-ordered the Justin Bieber movie with the credit.  Oh nooooo...  You realize what this means, don't you?!  That's right.  I'm moving out!  Maybe I can clear out some more DVD's, get a huge credit at Blockbuster, and live there.


  1. Wow...just 300 more things to find to throw out. Come this December, if you run out of "junk" you'll have to start throwing out some of the really good stuff.

  2. It is amazing just how much 'junk' we have!! At one time it must have seemed valuable or important...
