Saturday, March 12, 2011

40 days, 40 nights, 40 items!! - A DVD Player

The days are going by, the items are piling up, the house is emptying out....sort of.  Just want to keep this thing going.  Here's a DVD player that hasn't worked for a long, long time.  For some reason we've got 3 DVD players (one of those I've taken to the church), 1 portable DVD player, and a couple of laptops that can play DVD's.  And that's not counting this busted DVD player.  We don't have enough eyes in the house to watch all the devices that can play DVD's.  We kept this one thinking we might take it in to get it fixed.  But there's something about the obsolescence of technology that just doesn't make it worthwhile to fix things.  No point here.  Out she goes.

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