Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hmmm.... Day 51, Items 42 and 43 - 3 Toques!!

Well...I recently got back from 10 days vacation in Florida.  Hot sun, warm sand, blue ocean, red skin!!  But I'm way behind in my Throwing Stuff Out!!  Looks like I'm going to have to pick up the pace and throw out 2 or 3 things a day for a while.  Here we are on Day 51 and I'm only up to items 42 and 43.  I'm saying these 3 toques count as 2 items because I had that poll going.  The top vote-getter was the wizard's toque.  Out it goes.  In the meantime I found another nondescript blue toque, so I'm going to throw 2 of those toques and count them for 1 item.  Is that OK with you??!!  Back in the saddle after a great holiday, ready to get going on chucking stuff away.  One thing I'd like to pitch is my snow shovel.  We had like a foot of snow today, March 23rd!!  Sheesh!  Oh, Canada....!!

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